
My name is Deena. I am a special education teacher with a passion for teaching young children (from six months of age to school entry) with mild, moderate or severe cognitive, emotional, sensory or/and physical disabilities. I have studied the area of special education in different cultures, and I continue to explore the most effective pedagogical approaches in the modern world. I love my work and I am so excited to share what I know with others! 

Qualifications and training 

- Graduate Certificate in Disability, Flinders University (current).  
- Bachelor of Nursing, Central Queensland University (2018).
- Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology / Bachelor of Teaching 
  (Elementary Schools for Children with Severe Speech Disorders) (1995).

Registration with Queensland College of Teachers
Working with Children Check (Blue Card)  

* Intellectual disabilities * Developmental delay (thinking - cognitive skills, language or/and speech, movement - motor skills, social and emotional skills) * Global developmental delay (a delay occurs in many or all of these areas) *Developmental coordination disorder (dyspraxia) * Genetic disorders (Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome etc) * Neurological disorders (Cerebral Palsy, brain injury) * Communication disorders (autism spectrum